Courses T to T
- The University of Western Australia - Bachelor of Science (Zoology)
- The University of Western Australia - Bachelor of Social Work (Honours)
- The University of Western Australia - Bachelor of Sport and Exercise Science
- The University of Western Australia - Biomedical Science (Exercise and Health)
- The University of Western Australia - Doctor of Clinical Dentistry
- The University of Western Australia - Doctor of Dental Medicine
- The University of Western Australia - Doctor of Education
- The University of Western Australia - Doctor of Medicine
- The University of Western Australia - Doctor of Optometry
- The University of Western Australia - Doctor of Philosophy
- The University of Western Australia - Graduate Certificate in Business Analytics
- The University of Western Australia - Graduate Certificate in Business Psychology
- The University of Western Australia - Graduate Certificate in Commerce
- The University of Western Australia - Graduate Certificate in Economics
- The University of Western Australia - Graduate Certificate in Educational Research
- The University of Western Australia - Graduate Certificate in Finance
- The University of Western Australia - Graduate Certificate in International Relations
- The University of Western Australia - Graduate Certificate in Marketing
- The University of Western Australia - Graduate Certificate in Mental Health Practice
- The University of Western Australia - Graduate Certificate in Public Policy
- The University of Western Australia - Graduate Certificate in Strategic Communication
- The University of Western Australia - Graduate Certificate in Urban Design
- The University of Western Australia - Graduate Diploma in Clinical Psychology
- The University of Western Australia - Graduate Diploma in Education Studies
- The University of Western Australia - Graduate Diploma in Forensic Odontology
- The University of Western Australia - Graduate Diploma in International Law
- The University of Western Australia - Graduate Diploma in International Relations
- The University of Western Australia - Graduate Diploma in Law
- The University of Western Australia - Graduate Diploma in Strategic Communication
- The University of Western Australia - Graduate Diploma in Urban Design
- The University of Western Australia - Juris Doctor
- The University of Western Australia - Master of Advanced Social Work
- The University of Western Australia - Master of Agricultural Science
- The University of Western Australia - Master of Applied Finance
- The University of Western Australia - Master of Architecture
- The University of Western Australia - Master of Bioinformatics
- The University of Western Australia - Master of Biomedical Science
- The University of Western Australia - Master of Biotechnology
- The University of Western Australia - Master of Business Analytics
- The University of Western Australia - Master of Business Psychology
- The University of Western Australia - Master of Clinical Audiology
- The University of Western Australia - Master of Clinical Exercise Physiology
- The University of Western Australia - Master of Commerce
- The University of Western Australia - Master of Data Science
- The University of Western Australia - Master of Economics
- The University of Western Australia - Master of Education (Educational Leadership)
- The University of Western Australia - Master of Environmental Science
- The University of Western Australia - Master of Fine Arts (Research)
- The University of Western Australia - Master of Forensic Science
- The University of Western Australia - Master of Geoscience
- The University of Western Australia - Master of Information Technology
- The University of Western Australia - Master of International Development
- The University of Western Australia - Master of International Law
- The University of Western Australia - Master of International Relations
- The University of Western Australia - Master of Landscape Architecture
- The University of Western Australia - Master of Laws
- The University of Western Australia - Master of Marketing
- The University of Western Australia - Master of Medical Physics
- The University of Western Australia - Master of Music
- The University of Western Australia - Master of Pharmacy
- The University of Western Australia - Master of Philosophy
- The University of Western Australia - Master of Professional Accounting
- The University of Western Australia - Master of Professional Engineering
- The University of Western Australia - Master of Public Health
- The University of Western Australia - Master of Public Policy
- The University of Western Australia - Master of Research
- The University of Western Australia - Master of Science
- The University of Western Australia - Master of Science Communication
- The University of Western Australia - Master of Social Work
- The University of Western Australia - Master of Strategic Communication
- The University of Western Australia - Master of Studies
- The University of Western Australia - Master of Teaching (Primary)
- The University of Western Australia - Master of Teaching (Secondary)
- The University of Western Australia - Master of Translation Studies
- The University of Western Australia - Master of Urban Design
- The Unleashed Collective - BSB30120 Certificate III in Business
- The Unleashed Collective - BSB30220 Certificate III In Entrepreneurship and New Business
- The Unleashed Collective - BSB40120 Certificate IV in Business
- The Unleashed Collective - BSB40320 Certificate IV in Entrepreneurship and New Business
- The Unleashed Collective - BSB40420 Certificate IV in Human Resources
- The Unleashed Collective - BSB40520 Certificate IV in Leadership and Management
- The Unleashed Collective - BSB50120 Diploma of Business
- The Unleashed Collective - BSB50420 Diploma of Leadership and Management
- The Unleashed Collective - CHC32015 Certificate III In Community Services
- The Unleashed Collective - CHC41015 Certificate IV in Celebrancy
- Think Education - Bachelor of Health Science (Clinical Myotherapy)
- Think Education - HLT54121 Diploma of Nursing
- Think Real Estate - CPP41419 Certificate IV in Real Estate Practice
- Think Real Estate - CPP51122 Diploma of Property (Agency Management)
- Thomson Bridge - CPPFES2005 Demonstrate First Attack Firefighting Equipment
- Thomson Bridge - HLTAID009 Provide Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation
- Thomson Bridge - HLTAID014 Provide Advanced First Aid
- Thomson Bridge - MSMBLIC001 Licence to Operate a Standard Boiler
- Thomson Bridge - MSMBLIC002 Licence to Operate an Advanced Boiler
- Thomson Bridge - PUAEQU001 Prepare, Maintain and Test Response Equipment
- Thomson Bridge - PUAFIR207 Operate Breathing Apparatus Open Circuit
- Thomson Bridge - PUASAR032 Undertake Vertical Rescue
- Thomson Bridge - RIIWHS204E Work Safely at Heights
- Thomson Bridge - TLID0020 Shift Materials Safely Using Manual Handling Methods
- Thomson Bridge - UEECD0019 Fabricate, Assemble and Dismantle Utilities Industry Components
- Thomson Bridge - UEECD0044 Solve Problems in Multiple Path Circuits
- Thomson Bridge - UEECD0046 Solve Problems in Single Path Circuits
- Thomson Bridge - UEECD0051 Use Drawings, Diagrams, Schedules, Standards, Codes and Specifications
- Thomson Bridge - UEEEL0020 Solve Problems in Low Voltage A.C. Circuits
- Thomson Bridge - UEEEL0021 Solve Problems in Magnetic and Electromagnetic Devices
- Thomson Bridge - UEPOPL004 Licence to Operate a Steam Turbine
- Thomson Bridge - UEPOPS036 Develop H.V. Switching Programs
- Thomson Bridge - UET20621 Certificate II in ESI - Asset Inspection and Testing
- Thomson Bridge - UET30521 Certificate III in ESI - Transmission Overhead
- Thomson Bridge - UET30621 Certificate III in ESI - Distribution Overhead
- Thomson Bridge - UET30721 Certificate III in ESI - Rail Traction
- Thomson Bridge - UET30821 Certificate III in ESI - Distribution Underground
- Thomson Bridge - UETDRDU009 Install, Test and Verify Distribution Underground Cable Installations
- Thomson Bridge - UETDRDU011 Joint, Terminate and Maintain Energised Low Voltage Underground Polymeric Cable
- Thomson Bridge - UETDRDU013 Joint, Terminate and Maintain High Voltage Underground Polymeric Cable
- Thomson Bridge - UETDRDU015 Joint, Terminate and Maintain Low Voltage Underground Polymeric Cable
- Thomson Bridge - UETDRDU016 Lay Power Cables
- Thomson Bridge - UETDRDU017 Locate Faults in Underground Power Cables
- Thomson Bridge - UETDRDU019 Transition Joint High Voltage Paper Insulated Cable to High Voltage Polymeric Cable
- Thomson Bridge - UETDREL004 Operate Plant and Equipment in the Vicinity of Live Electrical Apparatus
- Thomson Bridge - UETDREL005 Work Safely in the Vicinity of Live Electrical Apparatus
- Thomson Bridge - UETDREL006 Work Safely in the Vicinity of Live Electrical Apparatus as a Non-Electrical Worker
- Thomson Bridge - UETDRIS008 Install and Maintain Electrical Apparatus
- Thomson Bridge - UETDRIS011 Install and Maintain Low Voltage Underground Services
- Thomson Bridge - UETDRMP001 Apply Access Authority Procedures to Work on or Near Electrical Apparatus
- Thomson Bridge - UETDRMP002 ESI Safety Rules for Work on, Near or in the Vicinity of Electrical Apparatus
- Thomson Bridge - UETDRMP003 Perform Cable Pit/Trench/Excavation Rescue
- Thomson Bridge - UETDRMP006 Perform Pole Top Rescue
- Thomson Bridge - UETDRMP007 Perform Rescue from a Live Low Voltage Panel
- Thomson Bridge - UETDRMP008 Perform Rescue From Switchyard Structures
- Thomson Bridge - UETDRMP009 Perform Tower Rescue
- Thomson Bridge - UETDRMP011 Testing of Connections to Low Voltage Electricity Networks
- Thomson Bridge - UETDRTO012 Maintain Energised Transmission Lines Using Live Work Stick Techniques
- Thoughtplanters - AHC30820 Certificate III in Arboriculture
- Threat Protect Training - CPP31318 Certificate III in Security Operations
- Threat Protect Training - HLTAID006 Provide Advanced First Aid
- THS Training - AHCARB303 Perform Arborist Pruning Operations
- THS Training - AHCARB310 Undertake Aerial Rescue
- THS Training - AHCARB311 Perform Ground Based Rigging
- THS Training - AHCARB319 Use Arborist Climbing Techniques
- THS Training - AHCARB322 Access Trees For Inspection
- THS Training - AHCMOM213 Operate & Maintain Chainsaws
- THS Training - CPCCCM2012 Wind Turbine Contractor I
- THS Training - CPCCCM2012 Work Safely At Height On Managed Sites
- THS Training - CPPFES2005 Fire Awareness G12
- THS Training - FWPCOT2274 Fell Trees Course
- THS Training - FWPCOT2274 Tree Felling Contractor Course
- THS Training - MSMWHS216 Operate Breathing App G5
- THS Training - PUASAR022 Edge Management Devices G4
- THS Training - PUASAR022 Edge Management Devices G8
- THS Training - PUASAR022 Edge Management Devices I
- THS Training - PUASAR022 Span Lines & Tyroleans I
- THS Training - PUASAR022 Wind Turbine Ladder & Nacelle Rescue
- THS Training - PUASAR032 Advanced Vertical Rescue Techniques
- THS Training - PUASAR032 Lowering & Lifting
- THS Training - PUASAR032 Rescue Operator
- THS Training - PUASAR032 Vertical Mobility
- THS Training - PUASAR032 Wind Turbine Nacelle Evacuation
- THS Training - RIIRIS201E Cs Permit Issuer G8
- THS Training - RIIRIS201E Tower Contractor Course
- THS Training - RIIWHS202E Confined Space Entry Ref G8
- THS Training - RIIWHS202E Confined Space Operator G10
- THS Training - RIIWHS204E Height Safety Awareness
- THS Training - RIIWHS204E Height Safety Contractor
- THS Training - RIIWHS204E Tower Climbing And Access
- THS Training - RIIWHS204E Wind Turbine Contractor G8
- THS Training - RIIWHS204E Wind Turbine Height Safety
- THS Training - UETDRMP005 Ewp Rescue Course
- THS Training - UETDRMP009 Cutaway Rescue
- THS Training - UETDRMP009 Height Safety Rescue
- THS Training - UETDRMP009 Tower Rescue Course
- THS Training - UETDRMP009 Tower Rescue Refresher
- Timber Training Creswick - FWP20122 Certificate II in Forest Operations
- Timber Training Creswick - FWP20322 Certificate II in Timber and Wood Products Operations
- Timber Training Creswick - FWP30122 Certificate III in Forest Operations
- Timber Training Creswick - FWP30322 Certificate III in Timber and Wood Products Operations
- Timber Training Creswick - FWP30622 Certificate III in Timber Building Products Supply
- Timber Training Creswick - FWP30920 Certificate III Timber Frame or Truss Manufacture
- Timber Training Creswick - FWP31019 Certificate III in Saw Technology
- Timber Training Creswick - FWP31119 Certificate III in Wood Machining
- Timber Training Creswick - FWP31220 Certificate III in Timber Truss and Frame Design
- Timber Training Creswick - FWP40121 Certificate IV in Forest Operations
- Timber Training Creswick - FWP40222 Certificate IV in Timber and Wood Products Operations
- Timber Training Creswick - FWP40420 Certificate IV Timber Systems Design
- Timber Training Creswick - FWP50121 Diploma of Forest Operations
- TIME Education and Training - BSB30120 Certificate III in Business
- TIME Education and Training - BSB30120 Certificate III in Business (Administration)
- TIME Education and Training - BSB30120 Certificate III in Business (Customer Engagement)
- TIME Education and Training - BSB30120 Certificate III in Business (Medical Administration)
- TIME Education and Training - BSB40120 Certificate IV in Business
- TIME Education and Training - BSB40420 Certificate IV in Human Resource Management
- TIME Education and Training - BSB40520 Certificate IV in Leadership and Management
- TIME Education and Training - BSB41419 Certificate IV in Work Health and Safety
- TIME Education and Training - BSB50320 Diploma of Human Resource Management
- TIME Education and Training - BSB50420 Diploma of Leadership and Management
- TIME Education and Training - BSB51319 Diploma of Work Health and Safety
- TIME Education and Training - CHC30121 Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care
- TIME Education and Training - CHC50121 Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care
- TIME Education and Training - HLT33115 Certificate III in Health Services Assistance
- TIME Education and Training - HLT37015 Certificate III in Sterilisation Services